Friday, March 19, 2010

Survival. camp.

No, I did not kill a chicken, I almost puked.
No, I did not sleep under the shelter, I sat on some stone.
No, I did not sleep either, I tried to keep the fire alive.
No, I'm not proud of myself, I'm super proud of Carissa. :)

It's really important to be sensitive to how the people around you feel. Many a times we know, yes, we do know how the people around us feel yet we still continue doing whatever we're doing. It's like you know I know you know yet you still act as if you want me to know you don't know which you already know. I wonder why. It feels good to hurt?

Humans co-exist. Sorta like you can't live without me, I can't live without you kinda thing. We need to depend on one another but not OVER depending of course or else the one that's being depended on will be like super poor thing while the one tat's being dependent on will just ruin himself.

Had the chance to really understand what trusting in somebody means. Having felt the peace and comfort knowing that everything's gonna be fine because. well. you trust in that person! Trust that builds along the way, trust that's not easily shattered. :)

Lack this big time? Well, I wasn't like that and at least I tried my best. It's always a problem to cooperate with people you have problems with even thou you really want to. It's a well known fact! Plus, everyone's so dead! Talk about walking corpses!

Something much needed in our everyday life. Yet when we're patient with people, we learn alot. There's no use creating a big fuss right? haha... yan dak zao yan! but of course sometimes things that needs to be dealt with still needs to be dealt with or else in the end yat pak liong san which will then be meaningless.

A good leader does what a good leader does. He/she should make everyone feel accepted which is really really really really very very important!! No? Yes.

Self awareness, Determination, Self control and dot dot dot. 

I think too much, don't I?
Too much for someone who stones so much!
and btw, stoning is the new in thing :)

Camp had my rusty cobwebbed brain thinking again.
even thou I felt kinda out of place at times.
But there's just so much to learn in life.
and it's good to reflect!
You learn alot when you reflect. Trust me :)

Fever, rashes and toe that for no reason hurts like mad I limp!
Just hope I don't have to get a jab on the butt again! :(
and why do my slippers always hang on me during camp?
Geh gao la bring old slipper.. haha!

All in all, I'm just glad I'm home :)

au revoir!

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