So I guess this is it! Whatever the outcome may be..
At least I know I tried and did my best (:
It’s really hard this time round.. for whatever reason it may be..
The papers were hard and studying itself was a whole big matter..
Sometimes I wished the world would revolve around me..
Yet the only thing I have to do is to look at the stars and know that it doesn’t…
This is where I’m stuck at right now..
And I know it’s all part of growing up
Yet sometimes I wonder, when you’re quite much older, do you still say you’re growing up?
Or is it just little kids who fall and scrape their knees yet being bold enough to hold back their tears say they’re growing up…
Being a teenager sometimes just means which door hasn’t been slammed into your face yet…
You may wake up one day and find someone else staring back at you through the mirror…
It’s what life does to us…
Takes you on a roller coaster ride and having reached the most top, decide to break down and let lose, leaving you hanging in mid air for desperate help…
And it’s in times like this where nice people would come into your life and give you a hand..
While some may go all the way out just to save you, some may give up half way through and there will even people who would just stand and stare…
“lucky” enough, you’ll survive… if not.. well.. you may be disfigured and have a complete stranger starring back at you through the mirror.. not quite a big deal I suppose… you’ll get use to it eventually anyway… it’s something called habit..
Speaking of habit.. I realized I tend to “cut” my toenails with my fingers when I study…
It looks oh-so-awful… well… it’ll grow back.. it just takes time..
Like everything in life… takes time…
Takes time to nurture, takes time to grow, takes time to bloom.
It’s only through having ants crawl all over you, the rain pour down on you, and the sun shine on you that you’ll blossom into a beautiful flower…
No one said the process would be easy (:
For a better and brighter tomorrow,
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