Saturday, June 5, 2010

First day of hols!
Fruitful! kinda.. (:

1.Had BJTC! 
2. Had lunch! 
3. Had my ever first slurpee! 
4. Crashed Deb's hs! 
5. Went for my 2nd Saturday Service! 
6. Went for mamak! 
7. Watched football!(I think I love football! oh no!) I know which teams were playing k.. it's the super orange Holland and the white white err.. Hungary? 
8. Went to Guardian!
9. Waited for my brother to come back from washing elephants for altogether 3+hours! 
10. Missed BR bcz of that! 
11. Poor Carissa had to stick with us coz she doesn't have transport home! 
12. Finally reaches home! and sooooo... 
i guess that's the end of my first day of hols (:
8.00am - 10.00pm.. but this i don't mind (:

sigh. it has been so long since...but.. (:


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