Joke of the day:
"And today the Prime Minister, ME! will be concluding the debate for our side"
yes yes...but you are the opposition leader and I AM the prime minister.
should have just asked him why was he opposing the motion brought forward then if he was the PM
haha! but I'm not that evil la it was just a slip of the tongue.. right?
and also...
we were matched up with this super kiam pa, full of crap lobster, don't make sense, super cocky, yong shui and so gay team..
argh! Barbarians! Full of lobster! eat so much lobster later eat the lobster tomalley also.. then mati kong ka kiao!
Then next time we wont have to debate with a road.. ya a road bcz their school is basically the name of a road..
we were debating with a road.. how much sense would a road make right...ya no sense at all...
oh gosh.. i'm so evil but guess wat.. i'm super happy right now..
and obviously you can't expect a team with no experience and no training at all with only 3 mock debates to get into the finals!
and i'm happy :)
but no more leng cais & leng luis to look at :(
last min changes...
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