Wednesday, February 25, 2015

She Wants You To Fight For Her

"When she fights for you

Because she will. Any girl who’s worth sticking your neck out for is going to fight for you come hell or high water. She will be by your side in the thick and through the thin of things. She’ll be there when she’s angry, when she’s frustrated, when she’s upset and when she’s hurting. She’ll be there through the blowouts, through the distance, through the toughest times and hardest decisions. She’ll have your back when you need her to most. She’ll persevere when the future’s uncertain. She’ll talk it out when she’d rather walk away and she will answer your messages, even when she’s angry and reeling and unsure. The girl you need to fight for is the one who does not give up. She’ll stand by you through every argument, every chance, every fork in the road you choose to walk down together. Fight for that girl. Because if you don’t, she’s going to fight for a life without you. And she is always strong enough to win that battle."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"You’re going to love so much that you hate.

You will love someone so much, so painfully, that you’ll hate them for not always being there. You’ll need someone so much in your life, that you start detesting them as a coping mechanism, because you know one day they’ll stop loving you and you need the fall to be as painless as possible. Your feelings towards your friends are going to seesaw drastically, your heart as heavy as the anchor that drags down your friendship. Some days you’ll just feel massively unloved, and you blame yourself. Some days you’ll wake up with extreme anger in your heart and brain, anger at the ones that you think have abandoned you. Some days you think you’re the luckiest person in the world to have such loving people around you. The same people that you spend the rest of your time hating. Everyone is going to seem like the moon at one point in time — half lit up in glorious illumination and the other half shrouded in distrustful shadows. I am sorry that I do not have an instruction manual or crystal ball to tell you what mood will come next, and how to dissect it cleanly without spilling innocent blood. I can only tell you that it will be terrifyingly painful, and painfully terrifying."

- Deborah Lee

Monday, July 21, 2014

"The reason your brain is on overdrive right now is because someone, or some people, hurt you so much that your mind is now programmed to believe that you are the cause of your own pain just because it appears on your own skin and trickles down from your own eyes. I want to tell them how much of me they've destroyed, how many bricks they've pulled from my foundations. I want to tell them how much they've scarred me, emotionally and physically, how their name was on my mind when I etched shameful marks onto my skin.

You want to tell them, "Look, you've broken me. Now fix me."

But you never really get the chance or courage to face them again, to tell them in their face that they've fucked you up so so bad. It gets to a point where you're just so afraid of being hurt again that you leave your heart in shards on the floor and cordon it off with insecurities, so that no one will find it and break it to even smaller pieces that cut twice as painfully."

- Deborah Lee

Monday, January 7, 2013


"I am never gonna have closure. Closure doesn't exist."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B6. *deflates* chinese. sigh. but then again, am nonetheless thankful (:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"我没有你想象中那么坚强 我只是擅长用微笑去伪装,不是吗? 我没有你形容的那么勇敢 我偶尔也会,慌。"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What do you do when you cant control yourself from losing salt.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Monday, June 25, 2012

我, 累了.
